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Framed World Map - Political
Framed World Map - Physical
Framed World Map - Hawaiian Language Version - Palapala Honua, 1839
Framed World Map by Jodocus Hondius - Vera Totius Expeditionis Nauticae, 1595
Framed World Map by Battista Agnese, 1544
Framed World Map by Abraham Ortelius - Typus Orbis Terrarum, 1572
Framed World Map Atlas, Attached to Liber Secretorum Fidelium Crucis, 1320
Framed World Map, 1539
Framed Woodcut World Map, 1475
Framed Wall Map of the World in Hemispheres, 1794
Framed Vintage World Map, The Empire of Charlemagne, 1846
Framed Vintage World Map in Hemispheres, 1839
Framed Vintage World Map, 1808
Framed Vintage Map of World spheres, Cedid atlas tercümesi, 1803
Framed Vintage Map of World - Antiquissima orbis delineatio, 1905
Framed Vintage Map of World, 1840
Framed Vintage Map of Western New World or Hemisphere, 1786
Framed Vintage Map of the World, Weltkarte des Idrisi vom Jahr 1154 n. Ch., Charta Rogeriana - Explanations to the proof of the map of the world drawn by Idrisi in 1154 and restored by K. Miller in 1927, 1928
Framed Vintage Map of the World, To Capt. John Wood, drawn according to Mercators projection, is humbly dedicated, 1690
Framed Vintage Map of the World, terraqueous globe according to the ancient discoveries and most general divisions of it into continents and oceans, 1718
Framed Vintage Map of the World, terraqueous globe according to the ancient discoveries and most general divisions of it into continents and oceans, 1700
Framed Vintage Map of the World, Scientia terrarum et coelorum, 1772
Framed Vintage Map of the World, projected upon the plane of the horizon laid down from the discoveries and observations, 1714
Framed Vintage Map of the World - Planiglobii terrestris cum utroq hemisphærio cælesti generalis repræsentatio., 1716