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Vintage Map of the World from the North Pole - Planisphere physique, où l'on voit du pole septentrional ce que l'on connoît de terres et de mers ... Vigies, 1756
Vintage Map of The World from the Discoveries & Observations Made from Voyages & Travels, 1807
Vintage Map of the World, 1780
Vintage Map of the World, 1702
Vintage Map of Eastern Hemisphere, 1817
Vinland Map - 15th century
The World on Mercator's Projection, 1827
Standard Time Zones of the World Map
Planisphere - Map of the World, 1852
Planisphere - Map of the World, 1847
Mappe-Monde Suivant La Projection De Mercator, 1832
Map of the World - Werelt Caert, 1730
Map of the World Showing Temperature and Ocean Currents, 1870
Map of the World on the Mercator Projection, Exhibiting the American Continent at its Centre, 1866
Map of the World on the Mercator Projection, Exhibiting the American Continent at its Centre, 1864
Map of the World, On Mercator's Projection, 1875
Map of the World on Hemisphere Projection, 1691
Map of the World on a Hemisphere Projection, 1775
Map of the World Oceans
Map of the World - Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula, 1685
Map of the World - Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica Ac Hydrographica Tabula, 1630
Map of the World - Johnson's Western Hemisphere - Johnson's Eastern Hemisphere, 1866
Map of the World - Johnson's Western Hemisphere - Johnson's Eastern Hemisphere, 1862
Map of the World in Two Hemispheres, 1730